Join us as we go through a promise from God every week for all 52 weeks of 2024!

Here are the instructions on what to do daily:

  • Read the promise multiple times.

    • Read it in context (the verses before and after)

    • Read it in other versions of the Bible (online or using a Bible app)

  • Answer these questions:

    • What does this promise mean?

    • Who was the promise originally made to? What was the situation they were facing?

    • Is there a condition to the promise?

    • How does it apply to your life?

  • Meditate

    • Meditate on the promise (think about it throughout the day asking God to give you more insight)

    • Write down anything that comes to mind while medi-tating on it.

  • Memorize the promise.

Week 18 (April 29- May 3)

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way they should go; even when they are old they will not depart from it.